Tuesday 11 August 2009

It's not all doom and gloom

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

There are going to be more pictures from now on. Even though I believe, with every last inch of my being, in the power and beauty of words, sometimes all one really wants is a snap.

Here is some Scottish evening light. It always makes me happy, however bad the News.


  1. You know what. Being 6,000 miles away in Los Angeles--that snapshot really made my day. Thank you. Really lovely escape for me. More pictures please! xoxoxo--oneof365

  2. Like a pixel-sharp, modernistic (and curiously sharp in a particularly Scottish way) Canaletto light... Reminds me of evenings as a early teenager spent sitting on the 5-bar gate at home, looking out over the fields watching the sunset in that peculiar, coating variety of yellow light - who was it who said something along the lines of 'Golden light like a Roman coin' or very similar...?

  3. Such lovely comments, thank you. Amazing how potent one little snapshot can be.

    Special welcome to Elise - always very thrilling to find new readers.

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