Saturday 19 December 2009

This may be the best thing I have ever seen on the internet

If you want to do one thing to cheer yourselves up in this recession-wracked Christmas season, then watch this. It's four minutes of heaven.

Posted via email from taniakindersley's posterous


  1. I don't know how many times I've seen it. But it never gets old. I love it every single time I see it. Thank you for posting it this holiday season.

    I'd love to dance with him here in Arlington, Virginia, by the way.

  2. Did you see this?

    Fascinating. Also, to stop yr youtube video box going over into yr column, open up the edit box to html view. You want to look for the line of code that has two sets of numbers, something like 600 and 400

    and change them to maybe 410 (width) and 375 (height)


  3. Glimmer - how lovely to think of you reading my blog all the way in Arlington, Virginia. I hope you are having very happy holidays.

    LLG - my genius techno saviour, as always. The cutting off thing is driving me mad, but it only seems to happen when I post something from my Posterous account. I have just put up a lovely picture of some dancing cranes which did the same thing. I shall try your remedy, thank you. x

  4. tania, wishing you a very merry christmas and happy new year. see you in the blogosphere in 2010. x shayma

  5. Hello Tania - loved the film. Have a looksee at
    Love Connika PS Thank you for your wonderful blog - I am inspired daily.


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