Wednesday 17 March 2010

St Patrick's Day

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all, my Irish darlings. (Everyone is Irish on St Patrick's Day.) My grandmother was brought up in the wild west of County Mayo, and then later outside Dublin. She remembered being woken in the night, as a very small child, and taken to the window to see the city burn during the Easter Rising of 1916. When she grew up, she lived in Wicklow, under the shadow of a mountain called The Fancy, at the edge of a black loch. My father grew up there too, and even though he came to England to live and work, he carried a fondness for Guinness (which he regards as a health aid, rather than an alcohol drink), horses, and any number of Irish songs. He was once thrown out of a grand restaurant in Mayfair for singing a rebel song called The Outlaw Raparee ('I'm England's foe, I'm Ireland's friend, went the lilting lyric) during the early 1970s, when the British were understandably a bit sensitive about things like that.

In honour of St Patrick, and my roots, I have started the day with an Ulster fry, shall spend the afternoon betting on the ponies, quite possibly will listen to my old Clancy Brothers records, and may easily lift a glass of Guinness to the auld country.

So, picture of the day is of my splendid breakfast, with all food groups represented, including The Racing Post:

St Patrick's Day 062

And a couple of bonus shots of my ladies celebrating the coming of spring with an especially big stick:

St Patrick's Day 053

St Patrick's Day 043

(See how sad the poor grass is after being covered in snow for the last four weeks?)

St Patrick's Day 052

St Patrick's Day 056

Isn't it amazing that one old stick can provide so much utter bliss?

And now I must go and study the runners and riders for the second day of Cheltenham. What can I tell you? It's the greatest racing festival on earth.


  1. a belated but very heartfelt St Patrick's Day to you- glad you had a win and hope you had a Guiness- one side of my family are Irish and I am very fond of St Patrick's Day- one day I will make it to Cheltenham for all the frolicks

  2. Your grass is looking fine, you ken. The moles have made mincemeat of the edge of our lawn near the drive. Fortunately, most of the spring bulbs are further back, under the trees.Woody roots must be a battle for even the fittest Mr Mole.


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