Saturday 2 April 2011

Bonus Post: guilt

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Suddenly overcome with guilt that I neglected to photograph the hill today, so I just ran outside and did it.

I have absolutely no idea where these imperatives come from.

2nd April 22

And, as a bonus bonus - the new grape hyacinths:

2nd April 23


  1. Beautiful blue, both on the flowers and the hill.

  2. I don't want to go all blokey on you and ask for precise model numbers and such, if you don't have them to hand, but what camera do you have, please? Your colour values and focus, depth of field etc are all very impressive.

    I especially like the bluey blackness of The Pigeon and the Duchess.

    Oh, and I MUST share, but my baby is now a mummy and that makes me a grandma. She and her fiance have just taken in a rescue dog, a Springer Spaniel by the name of Lionel, aged 4, with them less than a week, beautifully behaved at home and in their garden, but already bonkers about swimming in the river that runs around their local park in Oxford.

    She said until they acquired the dog on Tuesday they hadn't quite appreciated just how many rivers there are in Oxford.

    My how I larfed...

  3. Those hyacinths almost seem like plastic. New to me.

  4. I love your picture of the hill today - it shows that spring's on its way. xx

  5. Deep Sea - so glad you liked the blue.

    Goldenoldlady - have put thing about camera on today's blog. Love the picture of Lionel and all the Oxford rivers.

    Mystica - aren't they amazing?

    Helena - the hill is indeed getting more spring-like day by day.


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