Sunday 31 July 2011

Sunday Pictures, with bonus soup

Posted by Tania Kindersley.


31 July 1

31 July 2

31 July 3

31 July 4

31 July 8

31 July 9

31 July 9-1

31 July 10

31 July 10-1

31 July 11

31 July 12

31 July 18

31 July 19

31 July 20

31 July 22.ORF

And here is the bonus soup, because we have not had a recipe for a bit:

I felt rather weak this evening, and wanted a quick, sustaining soup. I had some bags of watercress in the fridge, which were about to go over. So I made this cheatiest of cheating soups. It is so naughty that I hardly dare tell you. But it will make you feel strong as Popeye, and it is greener than emeralds.

Take a small leek. Slice finely. Peel three fat garlic cloves. Simmer in half a litre of water with a tablespoon of Marigold Bouillon powder for about ten minutes, or until soft. Add two bags of watercress. If you have any rocket, that is an excellent addition. Simmer for five more minutes. Put in a blender. Add a gloop of extra virgin olive oil, and, if you like a bit of heat, a pinch of dried chilli. Blitz until smooth. Check seasoning. THAT IS IT. Serious cooks will be fainting dead away. But I cannot tell you how delicious and health-giving it was.

I make a lot of green soups. This is possibly the most basic and naughty of the lot. But if you want something lovely in fifteen minutes straight, you can’t beat it.


  1. Great photos .. your furbaby is adorable!!! .. That sounds like yummy soup ...xo HHL

  2. All my most successful soups are the easiest ones. Not sure if I muck up the complicated recipes or if simple really is best.

    I'm not sure if you've already seen this but there's a really interesting Rattigan programme on iplayer presented by Benedict Cumberbatch. I don't have a link to it as I watched it on iplayer via the tv but it's called The Rattigan Enigma. Available till Thursday I think.

  3. I did something similar with celery!
    I have not tasted watercress (yet)

  4. That soup sounds terrific. I recently encountered an excellent recipe where you throw frozen peas and whole garlic cloves into boiling water, turn the heat off after it comes back to the boil, add two or three bunches of watercress, wait for five minutes until the watercress has wilted and then drain and whizz in the food processor with a bit of butter, salt, pepper. A brilliant veggie accompaniment for roast meat, grilled fish, etc.

  5. That sounds like an excellent summer soup. I will try it today as I'm feeling a little weak after my op.

    Lovely photos again.

    Helena xx


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