Sunday 4 September 2011

Sunday Pictures

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Gentle day. Ate eggs, drank strong coffee, did work, contemplated the cows. In the early evening, there was a walk with both nieces, my sister, the Man in the Hat, and three dogs.

‘Look at the sheep, look at the sheep,’ I shouted. They kindly looked, although I do not think they are quite as riveted as I.

‘Just like Far From the Madding Crowd,’ I said.

‘You,’ I said to the Man in the Hat, ‘can be Gabriel Oak.’

The dogs chased sticks and ran around in circles. The birds were singing their heads off. The air was still as still.

The swallows have gone. I thought I might feel melancholy about that, but I do not. I think of them, on their mighty journey to Africa, and, as always, it seems to me a perfect miracle.

Today’s pictures are of trees and sky and sheep and cows.

First red flash of autumn:

4 Sept 2

Light on the hill:

4 Sept 4


4 Sept 5

4 Sept 7

Sky and trees:

4 Sept 6

Apart from the lone red flash, everything is still very green:

4 Sept 6-1

4 Sept 8

Curious cows:

4 Sept 9

4 Sept 10

This one is my favourite:

4 Sept 11

Too long since there has been a picture of the magnificent Scots pines:

4 Sept 14

Wild sky:

4 Sept 15

The Pigeon, with her most demure face on:

4 Sept 20.ORF

And the please throw the stick face on:

4 Sept 21

Today’s hill, very blue and stately:

4 Sept 24


  1. LOVE the demure Pigeon!

  2. Sorry - day late really - but I heard the Spiegel in spiegel as well and was totally captivated. Didn't see your original reference to it but as soon as you mentioned music in yesterday's blog entry I just knew it would be the same piece! Must go look at the photos now.


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