Wednesday 8 May 2013

In which I rummage for a missing day

Whoops. Lost a day. It is possible that it fell down the back of the sofa.

Here are some lambs and daffodils instead.

Sometimes it is a relief just to embrace cliché, and what could be more obvious in springtime than small sheep and daffs?:

8 May 1 08-05-2013 11-36-53 4032x3024

8 May 2 08-05-2013 11-37-24 3016x2310

8 May 4 08-05-2013 11-37-40 4032x3024

8 May 6 08-05-2013 11-38-08 3024x4032

8 May 9 08-05-2013 11-38-16 4032x3024

8 May 10 08-05-2013 11-38-32 3024x4032

8 May 11 08-05-2013 11-38-42 4032x3024

8 May 12 08-05-2013 11-38-56 4032x3024

8 May 13 08-05-2013 11-39-25 3016x2498 

Not even so much as a hill.

Ha ha ha. I laugh in the face of crappy time management. It’s all I can do, now.

And now I’m going to sit very still in a darkened room until I get my temporal bearings back.


  1. Hello...I am so behind on blogging and commenting...suffice to say:

    I loved that the Beech Ave. made an appearance this week.
    I loved the sentiment from Miss Whistle's blog about you. And nature.
    I loved that you lost the day down the back of the sofa.
    I loved the British thing you posted on facebook. As I waited for Boo to finish swim squad at the school pick up I laughed out loud in my car - and didn't even care that I looked odd.
    L x

  2. So that's where those days go... love the sheep and daffs, and yesterday's post, Rachel

  3. I wish there was a word that described the feeling I get when I see a perfectly straight row of trees. Whatever it's called, it's wonderful to experience.

  4. Hi Tania
    Thank you sooooooo much for giving our George (yours really of course) what is clearly not just a beautiful home, but obviously an incrediby loving home. Every pic I see of him here just reminds me of why Val and I do what we do. We love what you've done with George, Tania.

    I only have to look at Geoge's eye's, and it's clear as day he's both loved and loving.

    Thank you Tania!
    Love Phil & Val


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