Tuesday 18 March 2014


Too crazy busy to blog today, but I do have to tell you that THE DAFFODILS ARE COMING.

Oh, the long, long wait for spring.

And I can’t resist another picture of three of my favourite people from Sunday.

18 March 1-002

18 March2

Oh, and here is the hill too, because we have not had the hill for too long:

18 March 3-002

Particularly lovely comments in the last few days. The Dear Readers touch my heart. Thank you.


  1. Ours are coming too!! But for the intense cold snaps that keep on happening, I think they'd be in bloom by now... but our yellow crocuses are blooming, with the purple and white always coming in second and third (they haven't even made buds yet). The birds are all excited about spring, cold or no, and they're mobbing the feeders in our garden with more numbers and energy than I've seen all winter.

  2. The magnolia is out down here!


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