Tuesday 24 March 2009

Let's think about brainsex, baby

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Here comes a quiz in The Times to tell whether your brain is a lady or a gentleman.

This is moderately interesting. I scored sixteen, which I was quite surprised by. I was a tomboy as a child - climbing trees, getting bucked off ponies - and my old shrink was always telling me that I was too much in touch with my male side. Rather pleased to have it confirmed that I have a girly brain.

Actually, by far the best bit of this entire article is the comments section. Comments on a national newspaper, even a broadsheet, are usually a combination of why-oh-why, world is going to the dogs, complete nutter, raging misogynist, and flat earther. These ones, though, are really funny and informative. Especially interested to hear that in India, S-E-X equals S-I-N; and loved the exceptionally dry remark from Karen in Southend-on-Sea - 'I couldn't be bothered to read the instructions and then gave up in a huff. Does this make me a male?'


  1. Phew. I'm a girl. Explains the shoes. x

  2. PS: Word verification was 'bangl': appealed to my female brain.

  3. Isn't it odd the slight sense of relief when one's girldom is verified? I am not a terribly girly girl in terms of obvious things like frocks and baking but I do cook special green soup almost every day, empathise with people (even those I have never met) so much my brain almost falls out and cry helplessly during all films featuring horses. I feel that these are things that Jeremy Clarkson would never do. x

  4. 11/20 - am I a hermaphrodite ? Or has the fact I am called Henri subliminally influenced my answers ? In my defence I do tottery shoes as a lifestyle choice...

  5. 11/20 might be best of all possible worlds? Did think some of the questions were idiotic.

    Tottery shoes as lifestyle choice made me laugh out loud. Which I think the kids write as LOL. But I am not down with the kids and so cannot be sure.

  6. 10 here. Total hermaphrodite. Off to try and generate tiny Waffle babies all by myself just for kicks.

  7. Little Wafflets!! It must be done.

  8. Speaking of tottery shoes, check out the third photograph down. Those bad boys are CRAZY. http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/

  9. Tottery ? Suspect they would be "flat on my backery" ! and that is not a good look to aim for

  10. 9/20-another herm leaning male here...

  11. Iheart - does this mean you shout at the screen while the football is on and secretly yearn for a shed, as all men do?

    Just went and had a look at your blog, and then your daughter's. The ballet! The cat! It's too adorable for words.


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