Wednesday 23 September 2009

Today's miracle: the human voice

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Ignore the crazy outfits; just listen to the music.

There are only two things I really want to know: why can't they spell human? And, who DID let the dogs out?


  1. Fabulous. "Without Love" has to be one of the best songs ever written. But really, what is with the condom-like balaclavas?

    Miss W

  2. Wow! Wonderful! Brilliant!

    There's nothing like acappella (sp?) when it's done well, even if it's done by a bunch of folk disguised as spermatozoa.

  3. Oh wow. Fascinating. And quite disturbing at the same time. Is there a bigger meaning behind the costumes. I can't help but think of sperm.

  4. Am I the only one feeling scared by this?

    Kate x


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