Wednesday 25 November 2009

A new discovery

Sometimes I get a little smug and like to think I know about things. I have a Cartier Bresson on my wall, so I like to think I know a little bit about photography. I realise today I know NOTHING. I just found this staggering picture whilst wandering about on the internet, and I had never even HEARD of Roy De Carava, who took it. Sometimes the spaces of my ignorance astonish me.

Posted via email from taniakindersley's posterous


  1. That is what life is all about, the joy of discovering something new, don't feel pissed off, think how boring life would be, if you had discovered everything.

  2. it's not ignorance at all, there are just too many beautiful things in the world to see, to touch, to read, to eat, to hear. last night my husband's little sister who is 20, introduced me to raymond carver; i read a short story by him, for the first time. i had never heard of him before nor read his stories- i feel i have missed out on smthg spectacular all these years- and i think of myself as a fiction nut. hmmm....


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