Thursday 12 November 2009

A slight change of direction

As I am away from home, not at my desk, and suffering manifold troubles with technology, the blog has fallen off the radar.  I thought maybe I could let it rest for a while, allow it to have a fallow time to go with the season, but I discover that a lack of posts bothers me, like a tiny mental mouse scratching behind the skirting of my mind.  I miss the comments, the lovely readers, the sense of being part of a community.  (How the old media would sneer and snarl at this, but I say: sod 'em.) 

So, instead of the usual proper blogs, I am going to experiment with little postcards.  There will be brevity instead of rants, suggestions instead of recipes, and a possible lack of the big political arguments that I so love to wade into. Who knows?  This may come as a relief to some of you.

To keep you up to date: I am staying with my beloved cousin and her three enchanting children.  The dogs are settling in nicely, and behaving exceptionally well.  I am making fruitless attempts to settle down to serious work, but mostly seem to spend my time cooking a great deal of special green soup.  The children, who are nine and six and twenty months, actually DEMAND the green soup.  The baby tried some last night and shouted 'More, more', waving her little arms and banging her spoon, which gave me almost more pleasure than getting a book deal.  Tonight there shall be risotto cakes fried in polenta, and possibly a lamb chop or two, if I am feeling bold. 

I have fallen behind on the news, have absolutely no idea what is happening in The Archers, and have brought far too much luggage, which I have still not unpacked.  There has been a lovely trip to Bath, and a great deal of exceptionally delicious red wine.  (There is a proper cellar here, packed with glorious claret.)  If the rain stops for a single second, I am hoping to visit the arboretum at Westonbirt, to catch the last of the autumn colours before the acers are stripped of all their leaves.  If I make it, there may even be photographs.

In the meantime, I apologise for the slight piecemeal nature of the blog for the moment.  I shall be home again at the end of the month, and normal service shall resume.


  1. green soup? sounds nice - recipe, please?

  2. Muv went to's so lovely there.
    Hmm if you are anywhere near Oxford/Banbury in the last wk of Nov & fancy coffee & cake, do let me know.
    Also been meaning to say that whenever said mama appears to be on the last tube going beyond Barking, I gently excuse myself from the telephone to slope off to read the section on mothers from a different generation in Backwards. You have NO idea how helpful it is. LLGxx

  3. Postcards from the edge sound a great idea. There also should be some nice Christmassy markets around that area starting now if you fancy them.

  4. I have just discovered ur blog, one of 3 writing blogs in one night, and I am , as I have told 2 other bloggers, addicted to yours, too. My impossible-to-be-granted wish right now is that I wish I had discovered all these wonderful writing blogs 1 and a half years ago so that I would have be blogging writing rather than food. I will read on n I know I will enjoy ur blg. TQ

  5. That's cool. Everyone deserves a break and it sounds like your having a lovely one.
    That's not to say that I am not going to miss your lovely long posts - I will, horribly. But just so pleased you bother at all, for our delectation.
    Cheers :-)
    P.S. Reading your book for the second time. It is bloody good.


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