Thursday 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

It has suddenly, against quite a lot of the odds, got rather Christmassy in this house.  There has been playing of carols and wrapping of presents.  I made a special Christmas ham (ran out of honey, so glazed it with hoi sin sauce, which turned out to be a triumph), and some brandy truffles.  The snow is falling again, in big fat fairy-tale flakes.  I am only getting myself very slightly stressy about the fact that I am COOKING THE LUNCH.  (How exactly do you make stuffing again?) 

I want to wish you all the most joyous and peaceful and happy Christmas, and to thank you all for your magnificent kindness and generosity as this tiny blog found its feet.  I can't tell you how much all your lovely comments have meant.

And as a little PS, here are today's Christmas photographs:

My favourite Christmas decorations:

Christmas Eve 011

The wrapping table:

Christmas Eve 016

Christmas cards:

Christmas Eve 022

Gussied-up drawing room, complete with dozing dogs:

Christmas Eve 032

Special tiny Christmas trees:

Christmas Eve 023

Another view of the room and the dogs:

Christmas Eve 043

And then, when the carols from King's were finished, we went outside and this is what we found, in the gloaming - excellent new snow to eat:

Christmas Eve 046

This is what happens when you take a picture of falling snow with a flash:

Christmas Eve 049

It's not Cartier-Bresson, but it is festive as you please:

Christmas Eve 050

Have a lovely Christmas.


  1. All looks very tidy and lovely .. Hope you have a lovely Christmas .. xxxphi

  2. Just come back from the cinema watching "Julie and Julia" with my mother. It is a nice warm tale and a good look into the life of a blogger. Can recommend if in need of a very light movie for the season. Have fun, happy new year and keep up blogging, M.

  3. I hope you had a very happy Christmas. Sorry my wishes are late. Love the pictures of the snow. Christmas Eve might be my favourite of all the festive days. There is a little bit of magic in the air truly- especially at night and as the Eve turns to the day around midnight.


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