Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

A slightly belated happy new year to all you lovely readers.  The new year has brought a new snow. Everything here is quite white and silent, as great fat flakes of snow fall from a sky the colour of doves.  My plan for the day is to turn up the heat and be grateful for the great gift of electricity.

The garden, this morning, as the weather set in:

snow and dogs 065

snow and dogs 074

Just so you can see how many inches we have had, here is a little submerged flowerpot, with its undisturbed cap of snow:

snow and dogs 077

I had friends to stay for the festivities, and they have set off for the south in what is fast turning into a blizzard.  Keep your fingers crossed for them.


  1. My brain processed your lovely flowerpot photo as a frosted cupcake. Oh dear...

  2. Happy New Year to you too Tania and thank you for your wonderful posts throughout the year - I continue to be inspired.

  3. It is rather lovely, all this winter wonderland scenery, isn't it? I do feel though for the poor woman whom I heard about on the news yesterday - she lives somewhere very very northernly remotely - in a very Scottish place - and set out on the 19 Dec to pick up the turkey and is still not back home yet due to the last 11 miles of her road being completely impassable because of the snow. Yet curiously she still has the turkey and intends to cook it for Burns night. This assumes 2 sets of circumstances: 1. The snow will have cleared by then (but they're predicting weeks of it) and 2. How is she keeping the turkey from going off? Is she set up in a little igloo at the end of her road with the turkey buried in the snow a la Ray Mears? The mind boggles.
    Happy New Year, anyway!

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