Saturday 30 January 2010


Again the post brings no computer part so posts continue compromised. But who cares? It is my birthday. The sun shines. My mother wins the present stakes by a thousand yards so I now have a gorgeous new artefact above my chimneypiece. I am forty-three. The narcissistic picture of the day is me at two. So serious. What WAS I thinking about? Wondering about the wisdom of that headgear? Green and red feathers – too much?                                                                                   tk


  1. Happy birthday, I love your blog and your photographs.It was my birthday yesterday, all the best people are born in January.

  2. Happy birthday, I love your blog too, I will be 43 later this year, 1967 is a very good vintage. Love the photo. Have a great birthday weekend.

  3. I love your picture! Hope you had a wonderful birthday xx

  4. Many very happy returns.

    I beat you by a couple of years, having turned 45 in December, but your photo awoke memories of making a tepee in the garden with Dad's bean sticks and an old horse blanket, then raiding Dad's ties and Mum's make-up for Indian Brave headbands (?) and war paint.

    Sigh, happy days of innocence and obliviousness (or should that be oblivion) to the aches, pains and stresses of the world....

  5. Happy Birthday for yesterday T!!! Hope - as India Knight says - sufficient fuss was made. The headdress is a bold move but one to be resurrected on special occasions, I feel... xx

  6. Happy Birthday to you - sorry its a day late. Hope you had a glorious day and resurrected that feather hair gear. xxx


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