Monday 5 April 2010

Bank Holiday Monday, with gratuitous wildlife

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Another huge family lunch. This time there were fifteen people, including the smalls. I cooked sausages in onion gravy, my own special smashed-up new potatoes with olive oil and basil, baby peas with mint, and a mash of neeps, carrots and celeriac with a hint of saffron.

Now I must sit very quietly in a still room to regain my wits.

The weather has gone flat. The sky is the colour of old teeth and the trees are bare and brown. There is still not so much as the hint of a daffodil. I feel slightly nostalgic as all the relations fly off in their different directions. Tomorrow I must tidy my desk and take my library books back and reset my brain and do some serious work.

In the meantime, I am thinking about giraffes, because a bank holiday isn't a bank holiday without a giraffe:

Giraffes from Pixdaus, photographer unknown

Via Pixdaus, photographer sadly unknown.

Giraffe by Sharon Montrose

Via A Cup of Jo; photographer happily very much known, the really rather brilliant Sharon Montrose.


  1. loving the giraffe! :) and jalouse of your big easter lunch! love non-working days en famille! We'll definitely be back, come follow TBAG if you fancy. Happy Easter! x

  2. Thinking of neeps, with nostalgia, now.

    Miss W x

  3. Food sounds absolutely divine and what's not to like about a giraffe?

    Ali x

  4. such beautiful photos. hope youre having a lovely weekend. x shayma


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