Thursday 8 April 2010

Mr Obama shoots some hoops

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I don't often put up videos on the blog because I think they look a bit clunky and ugly, but this one is just too marvellous. I'm not sure quite why it appeals to me so much, but I think it is the combination of good manners, good humour, understatement and grace. This is, after all, a man who has just signed a historic nuclear arms reduction treaty, even though he is, of course, a crazed commie fascist, coming to get take every last one of your freedoms away with his bare hands.

As you watch it, I want you to try and imagine Gordon Brown doing this.


  1. How can you not love this man?

  2. Oh Miss W - I KNOW. It is just loveliness unconfined.

  3. So charming - can he be the next prime minister, please?

  4. And my crush on the wonderful man intensifies...


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