Saturday 10 April 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Too exhausted after the excitement of the Grand National to give you a proper post today, for which I do sincerely apologise.

It was a great day, a great race, and I might write about it tomorrow, when I have recovered. Politics and racing, what I put you through.

The sun is out here and the air is as gentle as June. The ducks are nesting on the burn and the first daffodils came into bloom this morning. My beautiful niece and my lovely sister just came round, and we walked through the evening light with the dogs.

I leave you with a picture of a horse called Tataniano, whom I think a star in the making. I don't just love him because he won me fifty quid this afternoon, but because he is only six, and he jumps with the accuracy of a veteran, and the joie de vivre of a baby:

Tataniano by Tom Jenkins

He stormed to victory under the great Ruby Walsh. In the next race Walsh took a horrible fall and was kicked hard. He was driven away to hospital with a broken arm. (My racing friends in the Twitterverse, all of whom adore him, were beside themselves.) I hope he heals well.

(Photograph by Tom Jenkins.)

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