Thursday 29 April 2010

A shameless moment of utter vulgarity

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Today is the paperback publication day of Backwards.

Backwards paperback

To mark the day, in a momentary frenzy of hideous self-promotion, I am putting up a link to the most glorious review Sarah and I ever had, by the lovely India Knight.

(It still makes me blush.)

I know that many of you very kindly went out and bought the hardback, for which Sarah and I thank you keenly and sincerely. Should you want to buy the paperback, obviously I must recommend you support your local, independent bookshop. If you do not have such a gem on your doorstep, you can also find it at Amazon:

I should not say this, I should not, I should not, but I don't think I can help myself: TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS.

Right. That's quite enough. I do apologise. Now I shall stop flaunting my wares, and go back to my more sober preoccupation with the key marginals. If I carry on like this I shall be sent to bed with no supper.


  1. I want to go out and buy this immediately!. On reflection, it's funny, I write a blog also and love reading other people's blogs, but it's still lovely to hold a book in your hands! I'd love to see more collections of people's blog posts being published. Call me a slushy idealistic, but surely its got to be good for both the digital industry and the more traditional publishing industry, which is trying to redirect it's energies at present. Keep up the great work Tania x

  2. Congratulations- I have the hard back but i will be recommending the paperback to lots of friends and no doubt gifting it too

  3. I asked for your book for Christmas, birthday and still I haven't got a copy. Now it's in paperback (hard times) I'll go and buy the paperback version at my local (best ever) independent bookshops Mr B's

  4. I am getting copies for all the amazing mothers in my life for Mother's Day!


  5. If anyone is reading this blog who hasn't read Tania's book - just get it, you won't regret it!

    Ali x (hardback owner!)

  6. Now I know what all my female friends are getting for their birthdays ... It really is a beautiful book. xxx

  7. Tania, if finances allowed I would airdrop your book to the entire populace of the UK. Never has a book cheered me up so magnificently, so much so that I have bought five copies for birthdays so far this year.

    Helena - LOVE Mr B's. Also loved seeing BIHH all over Bath on a visit last summer but resisted the temptation to shove a copy under every arm that passed by.

    You have every reason to crow, Tania; it really is a work or art. Well done to both you and Sarah. When is your next book due out? *ahem* No pressure.


  8. Congratulations on your book coming out in paperback too. I have it in hardback and LOVED it. Thanks for the link to India Knight's review. She said it all!

  9. I think an endorsement from India Knight is about as good as it gets. If I had penned anything that got that accolade I would make a vulgar show of it too! Will get a copy...its de rigeur I hear ;-) x

  10. It's an excellent book which is why I have it on my bedside table. I've bought the hardback for three girlfriends so far and they've all been delighted with it. There is so much great stuff in it and there's no psychobabble! Just sense.

    I eagerly await the next one xx

  11. I've just sent copies of the new paperback version to two more of my favourite sassy ladies. Thank you again for one of the best books I've ever read. x


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