Thursday 20 May 2010

Low pressure

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

It is a most peculiar day. The sky is heavy and overcast; there is no air anywhere. Everyone is feeling rather aching and old lady-ish and light in the head. My sister says it is because a cloud of low pressure is hanging over us. All I know is that I have no useful thought in my head.

To take my mind off it, I am still playing about with my new camera:






You can see I have not really got the hang of it yet, but I am bashing on.

PS.  Very glad that everyone loved the delightful Danes and their special bus driver. It does make me want to fly off to Copenhagen this very moment.


  1. Lovely pictures! What camera did you get? I just bought a new Canon, and I love it. I am slowly working my way up to an SLR.

    :) Marcie

  2. Oh Tania, I can't wait to see how you progress with your new toy, you have an excellent eye, so your halfway there.

    I have been trying to watch the Danish bus driver clip, but the broadband down here in deepest France is making it painfully slow...

  3. Beautiful photos Tania. If these are beginner efforts then I can't wait till you've got to grips with it properly!

  4. Beautiful photos. Look forward to seeing more - especially of your girls. I really want a new camera now!

  5. This has inspired me ! I have been doing life drawing classes - it would seem I still am and will always be hopeless. I am going to try photography ! You're right about the weather - very odd. xx

  6. your camera looks great- well not to be annoying but it's lovely and sunny in London for the first time in ages and has lifted my mood no end! hope the sun works up to you very soon

  7. Look at you with your shiny new toy! And I like the Brassai-esque quality of the black and whites. Fear not - looks like you'll have 25C this weekend and everything will just bloom...! I desperately want to take a picture of my violas which are going like gangbusters but which are also scruffily framed by shamingly untidy lawn edges so I now have to take to said edges with my kitchen scissors to save them from the wrath of the strimmer tomorrow, the thought of which makes my heart quail a little...!


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