Friday 11 June 2010

For those of you not interested in the football

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Here is a little Friday evening dash of green, to calm your poor eyes after a long week:





Have a lovely weekend.


  1. These are breathtaking.
    Have a lovely weekend, you too. x

  2. Thank you ever so much. In Melbourne its only THE FOOTBALL and nothing else!

  3. These look absolutely delicious Tania....I have failed at making burgers but other people always make them look so easy, including my husband....I think I may give your recipe a try....thank you :)

    I have really enjoyed your "football" posts this week, you have made me smile....and I love the visual of you as a World Cup Cliche!!!

    My family are from Wales and I grew up on a diet of rugby alone, how I missed all the World Cups and Euro championships I will never know but I did. The first one I really remember was Euro 96 - not surprisingly!!!

    There is something about European/International football which is very exciting, I LOVE it...I love watching all the different countries, the endless ups and downs of the England team -and of course the penalthy shoot-outs! My husband is Italian (born here but it's Italy all the way for him) I do force myself to watch those handsome Italians in those gorgeous shirts, not exactly a hardship!

    Enjoy your burgers and the match tonight :)


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