Friday 25 June 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

So sorry no proper blog today; fingers too tired to type.

I leave you with a couple of welcome to the weekend pictures:


Wild evening sky.


The view from my garden, looking due south.


The little white dog rose, which I had completely forgotten I even had, so its appearance felt like a birthday surprise.


Soon, soon, soon the honeysuckle will burst into flower.


More crazy tree bark, with which I am now almost as obsessed as I am with lichen. (Hard to imagine now that I once knew every after hours tranny bar in Soho.)


An incredibly brave clump of thyme, which weathered the long snow.


I really must stop taking pictures of the chives, but I am quite astonished that such a workaday herb produces such magnificent flowers.


Happy Friday.

I hope the sun is shining on you, wherever you are. I am going to take a couple of days off, because I am overtired, but I shall return on Tuesday. In the meantime, have a glorious weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great send off into the weekend, have a good rest


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