Saturday 3 July 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Today was a very simple day.

I woke up, and found the sky looking like this:


I went to the shop and bought some lemons and some chicken.

I thought about writing. My annual writing workshop starts on Monday, and I suddenly realised that last year I said almost nothing about Point of View. What can I have been thinking? I made some notes to correct the omission.

I listened to Jonathan Ross, who was funny.

I rather madly made sashimi for lunch. I know that there is a high art in sashimi, and you have to go to special sashimi school for seven years to learn how to cut it right, so obviously this was more just raw tuna with wasabi and soy sauce. But still. This is Aberdeenshire, not Soho. I felt stupidly pleased with myself.


I also made some cold avocado soup, because sometimes all I want is cold avocado soup.

I read a stupid article about misogyny by Piers Paul Read, whom everyone says is a good writer. I wondered if he was having a laugh or doing a spoof. I almost became enraged, but then I decided to put off the rage until later in the week.

I watered my new apple trees.

I thought that I must read more books. My reading habits lately have grown slapdash. I blame the internet; there is so much to read there.

I gazed again at my pots:


My niece and her gentleman dropped by, on their way back from the sea. They had been all the way to Findhorn. We threw sticks for the dogs and talked of inconsequential things and laughed a lot. I made them look at my roses:


And my lavenders:



I grew excited because the marjoram is about to flower:


I cooked the chicken, with marjoram and sage and sea salt and olive oil.

Quite soon, I shall get it out of the oven and eat it.

(I sometimes wonder why I tell you all this. I rather love it that I can.)

I feel calm and still, better than I have for a while.

I hope you are having an enchanting Saturday, wherever you are.


  1. Sounds like the perfect day

  2. We love it that you can tell us all this, too. Thank you. What a fabulous day.

  3. I love this post and others like it more than anything. Such simple things told beautifully. Your whole tone. Wonderful. It's the reason I fell in love with your books.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Anne :)x

  4. Lovely post! I am at the family farm for the weekend and am enjoying clear skies too!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Enjoy your blog. What a beautiful place you live in. Best, Sarah

  6. What very kind and lovely comments; thank you all so much.

  7. I am really enjoying reading your thoughts and viewing all thhe beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  8. What a lovely post! I do love all the pictures - it is so very different from Australia. Your comment about your reading habits rings so true. Ever since I have started reading more blogs, especially book blogs or just those of literary-minded people, I've read a lot less. I think an ex-book blogger, Susan Hill, made a similar comment in her book Howards End is on the Landing. :-)


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