Wednesday 22 September 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I am obviously in a high rage over the American Senate's charming refusal to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, but I have gone all political on your ass for the last few days, so let us instead contemplate lovely things. I'll save the fury for tomorrow.

I went to have lunch with my sister. We ate: dressed crab, because the Fish Lady was in the village, and pheasant with roasted root vegetables, and griddled courgettes with pine nuts, goat's cheese and tomatoes. I know. Two courses, on a school day.

We talked of: family, dogs, the Pope, Jung, lap-dancing, the goddess Isis, death, gardening, dreams, optimism, vanity, love, and whether the pheasant was too dry. I said not.

I think that just about covered the waterfront.

We laughed a lot. It was very sweet.

Here is the delightful food:




And she sent me away with some sweet peas from her garden:



Family can be a complicated thing, and ours has had its share of difficulties, over the years. But when it is good, it is very, very good. That is my tiny thought for the day.

Also, since I am in bumper sticker mode: sometimes the glass really is half full. Sometimes, when the light is coming from the right direction, it is full all the way to the top, whatever the cynics might tell you.

After all that, the least you deserve is a good quote for the day. Even sceptical old Oscar Wilde had his chicken soup for the soul moments. Take this:

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”

And now I am going to go away and smell my sweet peas.


  1. Lovely lovely sweet peas. Sounds like a good day.

  2. Gorgeous sweet peas and so true about family. I try to enjoy the good parts.

  3. Oh that looks delicious. I love pheasant. And the sweet peas are beautiful xx

  4. Such a civilized lunch. And sweet peas too. So lovely.

    Miss W

  5. A 2 course lunch on a school day is a wonderful thing. I may have to do the same today.

  6. I'm a bit of a lurker on your blog, but since I have visited your blog and think it is lovely, really informed and interesting, so I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    Please visit to find out all about it.

    If you have recently received this award, please still feel free to comment on my blog.

  7. My sweet peas have taken most of the summer to grow; they are rather short but the scent is wonderful.Hopefully, I'll be picking into October.

  8. I just saw your reply! btw the chicken braise sounds gorgeous!

    the pictures are not appearing in the post (oh dear is this only for me?). Where the pictures should come is a reference number only????
    I do not have this problem with other blogs either. I do hope I am not complaining too much but I do so love the pictures.

  9. Love your flowers and dog photos. And why would you care if American soldiers are asking or telling about their love life?


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