Saturday 27 November 2010


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

All I can say is: HOME HOME HOME HOME.

There is a reason that is all I can say. Had to go the long way round, since all the mountain roads were blocked. Had to do it in one go, since there was such weather coming in that I feared I might literally not arrive at my front door until the week after next. Had to get up at five in order to do that. Drove the last forty miles on roads thick with snow, where no gritter had been, nor snow plough neither, as the dark fell and the temperature plummeted to minus five, minus six, minus seven. There was one moment where I thought I would not make it, but would have to set up camp or rely on the kindness of strangers.

Hard to tell who was more pleased to see that I was not dead in a ditch: mother, or dogs. The heavenly stepfather poured restorative vodka down my throat, and sent me home with celebratory boxes of Bonios. (Since of course that is all I eat.)

You can see I am making no sense at all. Eleven hours on the road in this weather is too much. But I was never so pleased to see Scotland, in all her glittery wintry glory. Thank you for all your well wishes; I needed every one.

Full update on Monday, once I am human again.


  1. glad you are home safe. I read you regularly but have never commented on any blog anywhere before, but just wanted to tell you I have been worried and am pleased to know you are safe. Rest well, Rachel

  2. Dear Tania,
    Have been thinking about today, and am really relieved you made it!
    Very impressed by your grit and determination, and your fighting frontier spirit.
    Enjoying being reunited,Violet

  3. Enjoy the Bonios - they go very well with a cup of tea! Glad to hear you are home.

  4. welcome welcome welcome

    be safe & content in your lovely home

    and write when you are ready!

  5. So so so pleased to hear that. I have been watching and wondering and keeping the faith with everyone out there in the elements.

    Hoping you have a day of r & r today. Lots of Hot Chocolate, Churros and cheesy scones .

  6. Great news. Glad to hear it.

  7. My sister lives near your neck of the woods and she sent me an email this morning..."It's a bloody war zone here!"; so glad to hear you're home safely.

  8. Come on girl...time to get up. We're all waiting here on the other side of the world!


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