Tuesday 9 November 2010

Still on Scotland time

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

In tearing haste, as there is about to be a celebratory supper and I am cooking. I have not even begun to catch up and get organised after driving from Scotland, so there are no lovely southern pictures, no words of wisdom, not even a poem for you. There is no health in me. I do apologise.

Just time for my moment of the day:

The very small, very blonde, very sweet two year old cousin, looking gravely up at me and saying: 'I am a funny girl person.'

I think she meant funny ha ha rather than funny peculiar. And it is true, she makes excellent jokes.

Thing I would be annoyed about if I had time to think about it:

People saying tenants when they mean tenets and pundints, which is not even a word, when they mean pundits.

That really is all folks. I do not blame you if you ask for your money back.

Swift Scottish photographs and I am back to the kitchen:

9th Nov 14

9th Nov 5

9th Nov 4

9th Nov 6

9th Nov 6-1

9th Nov 7

9th Nov 8

9th Nov 9

9th Nov 11

9th Nov 12

9th Nov 10

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