Thursday 23 December 2010

Hill and Gloaming

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I have been entertaining, so am too tired to write anything now. It was perfectly lovely; all the family, a tremendous number of Christmas foods, and of course the mulled wine. I practically started ringing bells. Now am going to sit very, very still.

In the meantime, a few pictures for you.

The hill, this morning, in bright, slightly misty winter light:

23rd Dec 1

And then this evening, in the singing clarity of the gloaming:

23rd Dec 2.ORF

More gloaming:

23rd Dec 3.ORF

23rd Dec 4.ORF

23rd Dec 5

Dogs in faintly blurred but rather charming silhouette, as the last of the light went:

23rd Dec 6.ORF

And exhausted, after all those visitors:

23rd Dec 8

Finally, another special Christmas tulip shot:

23rd Dec 7.ORF


  1. Hello Tania - those poor tired dogs - it's hard to entertain one's public. I always like to stop by and see you - it's an every day thing for me (not that you should feel pressure to post every day, but I like that you do). There is something about your blog that I find enormously comforting - like all is right with the world. Lou xx

  2. I agree with Lou. Seeing those delicious faces makes everything alright. Have a lovely day on the 25th x

  3. Here here. If I want consistency and comfort with a dollop of inspiration I know where to visit on t'internet. Thank you.
    I have made reference to your amazing photos on a recent post.
    What a wonderful part of the world you and the ladies live in. Your home looks particularly festive and inviting at the moment.
    Enjoy the rest of the season x

  4. that really is gloaming isn't it- and I love the idea of Christmas tulips

    I hope you have a very happy Christmas x


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