Sunday 2 January 2011


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

There is to be a new regime for 2011. (How very portentous that sounds.) I usually do not blog on Sundays, but from now on I am going to put up pictures. No words, because there must be a day of rest, but just what I saw.

It was a low day, but despite no blue sky there was an amazing clarity to the light:

1st Jan 2

1st Jan 3


2nd Jan 1

2nd Jan 4

2nd Jan 5

Somebody was having inordinate amounts of fun with a stick:

2nd Jan 6-9

2nd Jan 8-9

2nd Jan 9-9

2nd Jan 11-9

Off goes the Duchess:

2nd Jan 10-9

To take guard on the wall:

2nd Jan 19

While her sister has a less fearsome and more where is my biscuit expression:

2nd Jan 13-9

2nd Jan 12-9

2nd Jan 14-9

2nd Jan 15-9

2nd Jan 16-9

2nd Jan 17-9

2nd Jan 18-9

Today's view of the hill:



As with all new year's resolutions, we shall see how long this one lasts. For some reason, I have a desire to blog every day. Not at all sure quite why. It may lead to a frightful surfeit of trees.


  1. What a beautiful winter! I just love the color in these photos. The two dog faces is my favorite though. What precious pups!!


  2. What beautiful pictures to begin the week! Thanks!

  3. Marcie - The colour was astonishing today. So pleased you like the dogs.

    Anon - thank you so much. So glad you liked them.


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