Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunday photographs

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

The hill, and the light.

27th Feb 1

27th Feb 2

27th Feb 3

And now I think of it, there must be dogs:

27th Feb 5

27th Feb 6

Many thanks for lovely comments of the last couple of days. So sorry have not replied; there has been busyness.


  1. Today I made chicken soup using your recipe. I feel restored: nutritionally, spiritually and emotionally, after a busy weekend. Thank you, it is my new favourite thing.

  2. It is almost midnight here on Sunday and I just showed my husband the pictures of the dogs. Our Franky was almost identical to one of your dogs - we were almost tearful. But please keep the photos coming in.

  3. Alice - how absolutely lovely. I could not be more pleased. Funnily enough, have been making great pots of chicken soup today, in order to soothe my mother and myself after a long weekend.

    Mystica - oh what a lovely comment. Franky is such a great name for a dog.

  4. How lovely to find some quite unexpected Sunday photos! The beauty of the hill bathed in the warm light, the nobleness in the allure of the Duchess and, my favourite, the soo lovingly EAGER look from the Pigeon never fail to refresh and reinvigorate my spirit.
    I hope your lovely Stepfather will be back home with your Mother very soon and wish you a productive new week!


Your comments give me great delight, so please do leave one.