Sunday 20 February 2011


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

It's as if the weather is having a little joke now; piling on the gloom in an attempt to see if it can make the people of Scotland run mad. It's not tornadoes or cyclones or floods or anything one can really complain about. It's just flat and dirty and filthy. All I can do is take many, many close-ups, and eat the chicken soup. Which was rather fine, even though I do say so myself. I put pearl barley in it, which is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Now I am going to eat a piece of cheesecake, for afters.

This is actually a bit of my house. I think it looks like something from Easter Island:

20th Feb 1

Obviously, on a day like today, one random stone picture was not enough, so I give you two:

20th Feb 2

Buds, of course:

20th Feb 3

20th Feb 5

20th Feb 7-1

The hellebores are looking very sad, but the little euphorbia is coming back:

20th Feb 6

I found a perfect ivy leaf:

20th Feb 7

And have counted six clumps of snowdrops:


The salix is looking pretty, at least:

20th Feb 9

And there are always the old beech leaves:

20th Feb 9-1

The murk:

20th Feb 10

20th Feb 11

Even the ladyships are getting slightly fed up:

20th Feb 12-1

20th Feb 14

And again, there is no sight of the hill:



  1. One positive about February is that it's a short month!

  2. Your murk is much prettier than our murk.

  3. Very pretty murk indeed. And snowdrops are worth everything.

  4. What lovely cheering comments for a gloomy old Feb. :)

  5. Strange you are not talking about the cricket!

  6. You can make even a sad wet day look gorgeous. Not fair. xx

  7. Tania - I took several photos today on my walk. All of them are a little disappointing because, by comparison, I seem to find your neck of the woods so incredibly beautiful.

    On my father's maternal side, we descend from the Duncan clan. Do you think it could be some latent Scottish thing that's got me all agog about your stunning location?

    I cannot tell you how much I love that bridge!


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