Monday 28 March 2011

Monday in brief

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Some days, I somehow manage to avoid the radio entirely. I have been reading and working. (996 words of book.) I look up at almost six o'clock and find I have no idea what is going on in the world. I find this both disconcerting and oddly calming. Instead of pondering geo-political developments, I go outside to look at my new fruit trees, which have just arrived. There are cooking apples and eating apples and plums and pears and cherries. I feel as excited as if someone has just given me a prize. The poor old eucalyptus might have died in the winter storms, but I have plums and pears.

Am still slightly overcome by the cascade of kindness which greeted yesterday's post. You are a most remarkable group of readers. After Sunday's attack of melancholy, I am now back to determined but tempered optimism. The dear dog, as if sensing this, appears much more cheerful, and spent her afternoon flirting with the kind gentlemen who came to dig in the trees. (I would so love to pretend that I did it myself, in true bucolic fashion, but, like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie, especially not about trees.)

The weather is very low and still. There is an odd feeling that time has stopped. The only hint of the world outside is the sudden roar of a fighter jet, coming low over the trees, probably from Lossiemouth, headed for who knows where. The bright deserts of Libya, perhaps.

Things are slowly growing. Today's pictures are of the growing things.

28th March 1

28th March 3

28th March 5

28th March 6


And other things of ravishing beauty:

28th March 8

28th March 9

28th March 10

The hill today, even in the low light, was a thing of splendid colours:

28th March 7


  1. I'm so glad she seems better and envy you your new orchard, how lovely and exciting. All your photos are beautiful, but especially the dogs. Jude x

  2. Dogs AND apple trees - how glorious. I hope the plums include a damson?

  3. Your two ladies look adorable today in their portraits: the silky Duchess so detached and yet so 'there', the Pigeon in all her own almost unbearable sweetness.
    I love the double portrait too, only can't tell which is which.

    A new orchard sounds just the thing for this time of year - look forward to seeing it growing in your beautiful photos.

  4. Don't the personalities of the girls show in your photos. They always, always bring a smile to my face.

  5. Such lovely comments; thank you. Can't tell you how touching it is that people all across the farflung internet should have grown so fond of my dear ladyships. Another of the miracles of blogging. :)

  6. Am so glad you are feeling better. A cherry tree - thats another one I haven't seen!

  7. Thank you for the pussy willow pictures. I had one in my personal garden when I was a little girl and have not had one since. This time of year I miss it so.


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