Tuesday 12 April 2011


Posted by Tania Kindersley.


Time for a recipe. I invented this salad on Saturday. I had a vague memory of reading something, somewhere, about beetroot with slivered almonds, so I cannot claim utter originality. They are lovely complements to each other, anyway.

This is a simple, elegant, fresh spring salad.

Take two cooked beetroots. I use the ready-cooked ones in the little vacuum packs, but if you are feeling strong, you can boil your own.

Dice them into small, delicate cubes. The smallness and delicacy is, I think, important. It's a texture thing. This is not a rough, rustic salad, but a light, refined thing.

Do the same with half a peeled cucumber. Again, the peeling and dicing is important.

Finely slice a few radishes.

Arrange, on a large white plate. Do not mix them about, or the beetroot will bleed, and you will be left with a purple mess. Take some feta cheese, as much as you want. I used about a quarter of a regular packet. Crumble it over the salad. Gently toast a handful of slivered almonds in a dry frying pan. Scatter them about the plate. Take four or five leaves of mint, slice very finely, and add these.

Dress with a pinch of sea salt, a squeeze of lemon, and a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. And that is it.

Now for pictures:

12th April 1-7

12th April 2-7

12th April 3-7

12th April 4-7

12th April 5-7

12th April 7-7

12th April 9

12th April 10

12th April 11

12th April 6-7

12th April 8-7

12th April 9-7


  1. I love beetroot, and this salad sounds perfect. xx

  2. This sounds delicious...and, an extra: I LOVE the color.
    Thank you, Tania!

  3. Beautiful pictures - everything looks so fresh and springlike.
    And the girls are gorgeous as ever!

  4. Helena, Pat and Em - how lovely you all are. So glad you like the salad.

  5. I adore beetroot and feta so will definitely make this. I always love your recipes.

    By the way - after reading the last post - go to comments and change your comments to "pop up" It will save a lot of scrolling and faffing.

    Hope you and the girls are very well xx

  6. Christina - how kind you are. Love the thought of you making the recipes. And thank you for the tip. :)


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