Friday 22 April 2011

Philip Larkin was Right

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I used to misquote that line all the time about 'what is left of us is love'. I thought I knew what it meant. I'm not sure I quite did. I do now.

This is what he actually said, the old librarian, and he was right:

…and to prove
Our almost-instinct almost true:
What will survive of us is love.


22nd April 2

22nd April 3

22nd April 4

22nd April 4-1

22nd April 5




It turns out that you dear readers have a bit of wisdom of your own. I could not have imagined a set of comments with more kindness, generosity, goodness, sense, sympathy, and even funniness than that which you have sent in the last day. I feel like printing them out and taking them to the doomier of the newspapers and saying See, see? The world is not going to hell in a handbasket after all. Not while there is this.

Thank you is too paltry a thing to say. But I do thank you, anyway. You have touched me more than you may know. The kindness of strangers; that is another thing which is true.


  1. Tania, I am so sad for you and your family, thinking of you, Jude x

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss Tania. It sounds like your father was a wonderful man who made a great contribution to the world, and to everyone who knew him. My thoughts are with you all x

  3. Thinking of you all, the sorrow will never go but it will get easier. Try to remember just the best of times.

  4. Tania, you have my deepest sympathy, and a virtual hug. The photos you have posted show the essence of your Dad, and your desire to share them and honor him does you credit. Viv

  5. That old librarian was indeed right, and so are you.

  6. Tania, I am thinking of you with sisterly affection. Take your time, as you are, to saviour all your memories now at their most powerful and vivid.
    The courage and achievements of your Father's life will inspire you with new energy and purpose when you gradually return to your daily routine.
    It is the biggest loss, and yet only throught it, can his legacy really truly reach you, become part of you. I am smiling beside you. xx

  7. Dear Tania,
    So sorry to hear about your Dad.

  8. Dear Tania - am thinking of you and your family during this sad time.

  9. What a lovely man your Dad sounds. I recall you told a story some time ago along the lines of your Dad introducing himself to Australian(?)cricketers saying: Hello, I'm Gay.

    Enjoying the pictures of him.


  10. I am so sorry to hear you've lost your father.

    Imogene xxx

  11. Dear Tania

    I am so sorry for your loss. Your father sounds like a marvellous person. He must have been so proud of you as you have clearly taken his advice to follow your own path. I do hope you find peace in your beautiful landscape and the company of friends and family.

  12. To Larkin - yes, yes, yes. And it has survived and it will endure, because of you.

    I loved today's photo of your dad. x

  13. I turn my head for one day, and one of the very worst things that can happen happens to one of the loveliest people I can imagine. I am so very sorry. Words fail at such times, but think of those we send as warm hugs and know that we love you.

  14. Dear Tania,

    So sorry to hear about your dad, my deepest condolences to you and your family. xx liz

  15. Tania, I am so sorry. What a vital, charismatic man your father sounds. And the photographs are beautiful, particularly the one of him smiling on the telephone. Thinking of you very much at this time. Have lurked on your blog for months, it's the best thing on the web, am only sorry that the first time I post a comment is on such a sad occasion.


Your comments give me great delight, so please do leave one.