Thursday 9 June 2011

Bonus post: if you do one thing today

Posted by Tania Kindersley.


If you can get the BBC iplayer, go and listen to a most magnificent radio version of Flare Path by Terence Rattigan. I never understood why Rattigan went out of fashion; I love and revere him. The Browning Version always makes me sob.

This one will make you cry too. It delicately directed, and beautifully acted by a shining cast. It's particularly good to hear Rupert Penry-Jones on the radio, because one is not distracted by his dashing looks, and can really hear what a very good actor he is. There is also Ruth Wilson and Rory Kinnear, and a most touching performance from Monica Dolan, and one of my enduring favourites, Julian Wadham, as the squadron leader.

Anyway, it's one in the eye for those idiot people who see bashing the BBC as a field sport. (There was another one at it over at The Telegraph blogs this week, proudly saying something stupid like I yield to no-one in my contempt for the Beeb, or something equally asinine.) I can't imagine any commercial radio station coming close to producing something like this.

You can find it here, until Sunday.


  1. I confess to being a Telegraph reader but I do find their BBC-bashing SO tiresome. Looking at their website the other day, I realised that all their video clips on news sites come courtesy of ITN. I rather wonder if running down the BBC formed a condition of their contract with them...

  2. Oh! What a lovely treat, I can't put off the ironing any longer, so I'll listen while I work.

  3. I shall listen and enjoy tonight - thanks for the link Tania.

    I went to see the play in London earlier in the year and it was wonderful.

  4. Goody goody, just the thing for a raining afternoon.
    I saw the West End production a month or so ago and very much enjoyed it, tho' I think Sienna Miller is more decorative than useful in this context. On the other hand, the other female lead is one of the best actors I've seen on stage in years - Sheridan Smith.

  5. Samantha - so glad you agree. I have fondness for the dear old Torygraph, but the BBC thing has got entirely out of hand.

    A Triflt Rushed - lovely picture of you listening and ironing.

    Alex - so wished I had seen the play and so glad it was so good.

    Lillyanne - did hear Sheridan Smith was magnificent. She is not an actress I know, but am now going to look out for her.

  6. Tania, it was wonderful, and the Browning Version on Radio 4 today! I'm going to use the iPlayer again, as concentrating on a radio play with a 5 year old is really tricky. Thanks for suggesting it, Jude x


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