Wednesday 15 June 2011


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I know this is sort of mad but I am posting an update on the dog, because some of you were kind enough to ask.

She spent a horrid night. She was miserable, stiff as a board, clearly in pain. I bundled her up in blankets and stroked her and stroked her while she gazed at me with those baffled dog eyes, the ones that say: can’t you do something?

This morning, she still did not want to eat, go out, or even move much. She kept lying down and doing more of the melancholy gazing. When I did finally get her outside, she was very shaky on her pins.

Back to the vet we went, at half past nine. He shook his head. He had the same look on his face that he had when he checked the Duchess’s poor, flickering heart. The very sweet, very young student vet, who has come from his college to do work experience, smiled with a nervous kindness. They know things I do not. I kept waiting for them to say: oh, it’s just a bug, clear up in a couple of days, don’t worry about a thing.

They did not say that.

‘I’m taking her in,’ the vet said.

He said sternly to the lady at the desk: ‘Scan, blood tests, sedation, drip.’

Now I wait for the telephone call.

I am trying very hard not to create catastrophes in my mind.

She is the beat of my heart. I don’t know what I would do if I lost her now.


Pigeon 1st June 2

Pigeon 1st June



  1. Oh dear!
    Please try not to worry too much, she is in good hands and I'm sure she will recover, you will soon be enjoying your lovely walks with her.
    Thinking of you both and keeping fingers crossed for you x

  2. Thanks for the update Tania. I was thinking about her this morning. Obviously it's not the best news, but I'm sure they're looking after her brilliantly. Fingers tightly crossed that the drip does the trick.

  3. *hugs* I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and the Pigeon... She is in good hands though.

  4. Please not. Will check back.

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the Pigeon. All the best.

  6. Oh gosh. The feeling I now have in my stomach won't go until I hear a happy update on the lovely Pigeon - who, by the way, has never looked more adorable and beautiful (tricky to look both) than in her recent pictures.

    I will think positive thoughts and hope you can, too. She's in the best place possible. We all feel absolutely rotten from time to time and need a bit of help from the doc - but it passes. I hope the same for lovely Pigeon.

    Absolutely in my thoughts today.

  7. I read your blog all the time but never comment, but I just wanted to send you and the Pigeon my love. Am thinking of you.

  8. Much love, much good thoughts, much fear, much hope. Will check back often. xxx

  9. Oh no no no! This is not the plan...we need to Pidge to be well. My thoughts did drift to her and you this morning, please do provide updates, I'll be all ears. Lou x

  10. Oh dear, poor you. Poor Pigeon. Will send good thoughts. Do try and look after yourself in these difficult hours. Rachel

  11. She is in the best place possible - the vet will keep an eye on her and give her all the jabs, mixtures and lotions necessary. Fingers (and paws) crossed.

  12. Oh Tania I know from experience how you must be feeling right now. I am keeping everything crossed for the Pigeons recovery.

  13. Can't thank you enough; you are all so kind and lovely.

  14. Poor old Pidge is also going through the motions. She can't tell you how much she misses Duch but be very sure that she does. Her immune system is compromised and she is feeling grim; I'm very sure she'll be back on her feet soon and some kind of balance will be restored. She's in good hands. Have faith. Lots of love to you, you poor old stick. xxxxx


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