Sunday 26 June 2011

Sunday Pictures

Posted by Tania Kindersley.


26 June 1


26 June 2.ORF

I love these wild grasses:

26 June 5


26 June 6

More grass:

26 June 7

The focus on this is all over the shop, but I rather love it. It’s one of my favourite views, looking south across the garden:

26 June 8

Yet more grass:

26 June 9

The garden gate, the old mossy wall, and a flash of the lovely red cotinus:

26 June 10-1

This year’s pot table:

26 June 12

I am doing cuttings for the first time:

26 June 13

The Portuguese laurel is six years old. It has never put out a flower before; I did not even know it could. But this morning, suddenly, without warning, it produced one, lovely bloom:

26 June 14

And speaking of blooming loveliness, here is Herself:

26 June 14-1

26 June 15

Hill, from a different angle than usual:

26 June 10


  1. Perfection!
    Your photos are always super, the other day there were beautiful elderflowers, lovely, they've all gone here! Make yourself some cordial, perfect for summer lunches. I'm so glad to see Your dog doing so well. Jude

  2. I was just wondering how the pot table was this summer :) - the Pigeon amongst the grasses is even more beautiful than usual if such a thing were possible.


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