Monday 20 June 2011

This and that

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

The day galloped away from me like an unruly horse so I am late to the blog, and my mind is shot.

Therefore, I have only fragments for you. I am frowning as I try to remember what happened this day.

1. Thing I did not know: Stalin had a withered arm. Not at all sure what this has to do with the price of eggs, but for some reason I find it obscurely interesting. On the same theme: you could argue that if Stalin and Churchill had not got drunk together, the entire course of the Second World War might have been different.

2. The Beloved Cousin and I are thinking of taking to the sea. There is a possible tour of the Western Isles being discussed, so we can be just like Dr Johnson and Mr Boswell. Or quite like, anyway.

3. The Pigeon continues well, which makes me smile.

4. My obsession with the trees is growing out of control. All I want to do is plant trees. I want to put good growing things in the good earth and watch them thrive. It’s a mortality thing, I think.

5. Balance is returning, slowly, slowly. I still need to sit very still, but there is a sense that the ship is righting itself.

That’s about it. Not quite world-shattering, I freely admit. It was a quiet, ordinary day. But at the moment, I crave quiet and ordinary.

Some pictures:

20th June 1

20th June 2

20th June 3

20th June 4

20th June 5

20th June 5-1

20th June 6

20th June 8

20th June 10

20th June 11

Oh that beautiful face. I am thinking, as some Dear Readers, have suggested, of getting a puppy or young dog, to keep the old Pigeon company. She is not used to not being in a pack. It’s a fledgling thought, but it is growing in me. So if anyone knows of lab/colllie crosses in the North East of Scotland, let me know.

And: most kind comments from yesterday; thank you so much for those.


  1. The photo of the grasses is absolutely beautiful, I stared at it for 10 minutes straight and it made me feel all summery, even here in the gloom and rain of London.
    Thank you.

  2. Lovely blog

    Beautiful photos

    Gorgeous dog


  3. "Ordinary day"...extraordinary photos!
    And Pigeon is looking fully back to herself, ears up & intense gaze...

  4. Just the correct thing to start my day. I have such a lot of work to get through, have hurt my back and even the thought of the day ahead is difficult. I needed these photos.

  5. Tania
    There's a wonderful story in today's Times about a soldier's dog from Afganistan. A few tears as I walked my old boy this morning, it's very moving. Sorry no good at putting links in, when I use the iPad!

  6. Re: Stalin's arm: No! How is it we never knew? Why wasn't there a vulgar song about it? And if there IS such a song how is it that we don't know it?


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