Saturday 13 August 2011

No blog today

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Shocking lack of blog, on account of actual life getting in the way. I forget how much time I spend in at home, at my desk, just sitting and thinking. In the dirty old town there is eating and walking and chatting and meeting old friends and sudden imperative errands. There was the buying of a special birthday present, which involved a twenty minute conversation about cartography. There was, later, unrepeatable theatrical gossip. (My DEARS.)

However, since the regular readers in particular are used to me with hayseeds in my hair, I would like to record for posterity what I am wearing for my delightful party:

Black velvet jacket, the infamous red patent peep toe wedges, big chiffon corsage in high scarlet, red jade necklace, red fingernails, red toenails, and, and, I have just dyed my hair the colour of a postbox.

Too much?


  1. The outfit sounds perfect. Enjoy the party!

  2. Certainly NOT!!

    You sound divine.

    Have a most wonderful evening. :)

  3. I love all the red! Have a great evening:-)

  4. You must post a photo, absolutely must.

  5. Outfit sounds stunning - do hope you're wearing a frock as well though! Sorry - in pedant mode! Hope you have a lovely time.

  6. The accessories sounds fab but were you wearing any clothes other than the jacket?

  7. Let me add my vote(voice?) to that calling for photos! PLEASE!!!

  8. Nothing about you could ever be too much, Tania, and that outfit certainly won't have been. I add to my colleagues' cries: PHOTO PLEASE!

    Hope your time away from all things electronic is enjoyable.


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