Wednesday 21 September 2011

Bonus Post.

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I never really know how I come across things on the internet, but this one is a big, fat, good news story. It’s fabulous. It’s quite long, but it’s worth reading all the way to the end:

It’s about this incredibly brave woman and this absolutely lovely horse:


Regular post to come later, with full Pigeon loveliness.


  1. That is one of the best storied I have read in a while. Thank you for sharing (and sorry I have not commented for a while)

  2. And reader, she bought him.

    Loved it!

  3. Oh, it brought tears to my eyes, how wonderful.

  4. It gave me chill bumps. So brave.

  5. I've just read this story on another blog I follow. The blogger is a freelance writer working on her book. The blog is full of horse miscellany and stories of brave horses - I think you will enjoy browsing throug it:

  6. Percheron were originally bred as a war horse (oh, how I love Google, when it confirms my so unreliable memory!). So Tonk, bless him, fulfilled his geas.

    And what a wonderful tale. Every time I get disgusted at the human race, something like this pops up and there is hope and faith after all.

    There are few things better than cuddling up with a dog (or three). Actually, if it's my three, that's a bit too much as my lap is NOT big enough for both bull terrier and bull mastiff :)

  7. Ah, the Dear Readers. Thank you, thank you, for your delightful comments. I so love that you loved this story as much as I did. And particular thanks to Erika, who discovered that the Percheron was bred as a war horse. I did not know that, but I have a great and abiding affection and admiration for the war horses. Bless them.


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