Monday 5 September 2011

No words

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Work, work, work. I look up at six-thirty, and realise that I have absolutely no idea what is happening in the world. The Mongol hordes could have invaded Whitehall, for all I know. There is now no coherent thought left in my head.

Outside, the sky is blue and grey, the colour of pigeons. My own Pigeon is dozing quietly. It is absolutely still.

I always apologise for giving you too many words, to wade through in your busy lives. Now I apologise for too few.

Some pictures, to make up for it:

5 Sept 1

5 Sept 2

5 Sept 4

5 Sept 6

5 Sept 6-1

5 Sept 8

5 Sept 8-1

5 Sept 9

5 Sept 10.ORF

5 Sept 11.ORF

5 Sept 12.ORF

5 Sept 13

5 Sept 14.ORF

5 Sept 15

5 Sept 16

5 Sept 16.ORF

5 Sept 17

5 Sept 18.ORF


5 Sept 18


5 Sept 19.ORF

Hill, from slightly different angle than usual:

5 Sept 21.ORF


  1. All the best of luck with your work schedule!

  2. Loved the photos had a happy time tryng to identify the plants and smiled at your mint, mine is growing in great drifts by the moat, it's not menat to be there but it is all the more beautiful for all that. Thought the bullock quite enchanting but not as much as the lovely Pigeon I hasten to say!

  3. I just loved your symmetrical coo. I see Tattie Weasle has called it a bullock but I'm too oppidani to know boy coo from girl coo...
    I've loved reading the antics of the dogs (The Pigeon and the temporarily-motherless-burn-splashing-Older-Niece's-dog).


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