Thursday 13 October 2011

The day, in list form

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Three days until deadline

Words of book written: 104,680.

Dead Darlings file: 9,765.

New words written today: 838.

Weather: I think there might have been sun, at one point.

State of mind: slightly manic.

Hours of editing: 7.

Hours of editing whilst wearing happy hat: 5. (It took me a while to get snappy.)

Moment of unrelieved pleasure: watching The Pigeon’s face as she chased her ball.

Food eaten: grilled chicken, roasted tomatoes, watercress soup.

Moment the perspective police bashed down the door: 6.15pm, when a story came on the news about gangs sexually abusing children. In dear old Blighty? What the hell?

Which led to the Motto of the Day: Can’t complain. (Not original, but true.)

Apology of the day: to the Dear Readers, who are not getting much blog.

Pictures of the day:


13 Oct 1

Did you say BALL?

13 Oct 2


13 Oct 3


  1. You are a star to post anything at all!
    Lists are the best thing - next to the softest looking ears of the Pigeon x

  2. Reaction to today's blog: Amazement (that you still find time/ energy to post anything as you count down to deadline) AND APPRECIATION (for your doing so).

  3. Glad you posted anything (and that you ate)

  4. I've been staying out of the way as the deadline drew nearer, but today...reduced to a list. Oh, my. I've not been here for other deadlines, and frankly they seem almost worse than the tragedies brought you by 2011. You will be all right, it's true, but I'm, well, let's say concerned. There has to be a stiff drink and an enormous shuddering sigh at the end of all this.


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