Tuesday 1 May 2012


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

I’m going off the blog for a couple of days. Two things are happening at the moment. One is quite small, but looms large for me, and is a matter of sorrow. One is horribly big, and so revoltingly sordid that I need to invent new words for ghastly. I would tell you about them but I am still a bit headshy, so I’m going to take a pause instead. I need to get through all this and regroup. I shall return soon.


  1. Oh Tania, sending you strength and love and hugs and George sends his octopus.

  2. Large things do have a way of getting our attention don't they Tania (I know so well). Good luck...you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh gosh - good luck, and wishing happy outcomes for you!

    See you on the other side?! ;)

  4. Well, this sounds pretty ominous. I'm just hoping it's nothing to do with you (in the physical sense), or Red, or Pidge... will be on tenterhooks until you're back and let us know everything's okay.

  5. Ooof. I hope nothing is as horrendous as you're anticipating. Good luck. xx

  6. My thoughts are with you.


  7. We are all here, waiting, and caring; and sending you good thoughts and love. xxx

  8. My thoughts are with you.

    Sally x

  9. To echo what others have said; thoughts are with you, come back to us soon.

  10. Take care. I hope everything works out. x

  11. Yes, echoing all the good wishes. I do hope all resolves as you deserve, Rachel

  12. Thinking of you with love and wishing you strenght, good luck and restful sleep. xxx

  13. Take care of yourself.
    Don't forget to BREATHE.

  14. I am not liking the sound of this...what can we do to help? If solitude from the blog is what you need then so be it - we will be here when you return. L x

  15. Holding good thoughts, and hoping that Red and the Pigeon can provide comfort.


    1. Hello Tania,

      Being of a chronological bent I am guessing it is partly the mourning for La Duchesse, and I utterly, utterly understand the need to hunker down with her sister and just hide away for a day or two. But the Big Nasty sounds more threatening and alarming; I really truly hope you are not hard up against some buggery bastard or howling bitch who doesn't know how to behave, or knows but chooses NOT to behave. Your manners are always so lovely. It is such a shock when others doesn't reciprocate.

      Is it some ghastly fall-out from the cancelled livery place, by any chance? I have been a little concerned since Red was moved that iniquitous invoices might be presented at a later date...

    2. another doesn't/others don't - DUR! I am very impressed that even in the midst of whatever it is that is bringing you down, you come up with such an apt and perfect title as "Caesura". Haven't had a chance to use the word caesura since I last taught a GCSE class a Shakespeare sonnet.

      Rest, and be well. Seek out the company of those who love you and know you well, and let all the others go hang for a bit! We can wait...

  16. Take best care of yourself, and all the time you need.
    Will be thinking of you and your Beautiful Duchess.
    Do hope all goes well for you. xxx

  17. Another DR chiming in to send the best of wishes for you and all your loves. We will indeed all be here when you feel able to return. xxx

  18. I know it's been said, but however long you wander away from here, as long as you need, there are readers who will still be here and wishing you well.

  19. Take all the time you need, Tania. We'll still be here. Hoping that the second thing lessens in its threat. x

  20. Sending angels to you....X

  21. Look after yourself and those you love. And let them look after you. Pretty much everything else can be got through. Take the time you need, do what you need to do.

    Hugs to you, scruffles to Pigeon, Red and Blodwen.

  22. Wishing you well, we will be here when you return x

  23. Worried about you too......sending lots of love and thoughts of you.... Amanda

  24. Just returned to Colombo myself (three days out) so I do hope things are sorting themselves out for you.

  25. How incredibly kind you all are. Thank you so much.

  26. Thinking of you Tania....this sounds horrid XX


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