Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day in brief

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Sun. Horse. Love love love. Small sense of profound achievement. More love. Late and rather indulgent breakfast. Very black coffee. Caffeine hit. Work work work work. 1566 words. Notes. Research. (Always sounds posh; sometimes feels like hopeless noodling.) Minor moments of panic. Good news, in a rather surprising way.

Sweet children. Rather naughty pony. Horse; love reaching new heights. Pigeon sweetness also hits new heights, as if competing with horse love. Wish could explain love is not zero sum game to animals who do not speak English.

Evening sun. Children’s tea. Interesting conversation. Laughter. No bloody idea what is happening in the news. Discovery of precious object thought lost, most unusual for me. (Normally the other way round.) The mildly unexpected cooking of a stuffed pepper for supper. State of exhaustion renders blog only possible in telegraphese.

Quick pictures:

22 May 2

22 May 3

22 May 5

22 May 1

22 May 9

22 May 10


  1. LOVE this. I think there is room for this medium in every blog! As you once said to me: it's as if you wrote a haiku. I was mucho complimented. This is same. Over and out. L x

  2. I like. Enjoy the sun. x

  3. Have just noticed that, very randomly, I am now able to comment without switching browsers. It seems a bit like your found object.

    Veey amazed how much you have fit into your day. Mine went not so well, so it's nice to hear someone else's did.

    1. I can only comment as a piggy-back to others. sorry; sounds like your communion with Red was one of those moments in life where you can feel your soul growing and the inconsequential slip away. JS Bach does the same to me...

  4. Poor proofreading skills tonight as well, meant to type "Very amazed". Sheesh.

  5. sounds like something close to perfection....

  6. I've only recently discovered your blog - saw a line with the word horse on someone else's side bar & had to click. I am just loving it and all the pictures you post. I also want to say congratulations on the join-up!
    A horse does something for the soul that nothing else on earth can do :)


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