Saturday 19 May 2012


Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Well, he did it. I really need not have worried. Frankel moved like a Rolls Royce, won on the bridle, made it look easy. Excelebration, a very good horse in his own right, could not lay a glove on him. It was a five length victory, and Tom Queally hardly had to move. It was grace, and power, and sheer brilliance.

My own little Frankel was on her toes this morning. It was as if she was saying: well, what are you made of? I think perhaps the spring grass is coming through and that is putting several springs in her step. We did a lot of fast canter out in the west meadow, and it was all zoom, zoom. She would have galloped her head off if I had let her, but I decided not to. It’s still early days, and steady as she goes. At one stage, I had to say, very sternly, ‘Excuse me, but I am in charge here.’ It is only a pity that horses do not speak English. But I think she got the message.

Here she is, the little naughty, looking as if butter would not melt in her mouth:

19 May 1

Her view:

19 May 2

19 May 3

The unadulterated beauty that is the Pigeon:

19 May 6

And the hill, almost obscured by the blooming horse chestnut:

19 May 8

I hate to end on a sad note, but some things must be marked. In the midst of all the Frankel joy came the very sad news of the death of Brindisi Breeze, a brilliant young hurdler trained in Scotland by Lucinda Russell. His future was bright with promise. I backed him when he won this year at Cheltenham, and roared him up the hill. He was a lovely, bold horse, honest as the day is long. Very kind too, in his stable, according to his trainer. In the middle of the night, he jumped over his paddock gate and was hit by a lorry. It is such a freakish occurrence and the kind of thing that all horse owners dread.

Horses are so strong and robust in so many ways, and so fragile and unpredictable at the same time. That yard will be inconsolable tonight; there will be the awful, gaping hole of an empty box, the thing that everyone who looks after horses dreads. My heart goes out to everyone who cared for him.


  1. Am I really first to comment on your Frankel posts? Well, I did as I was told and watched. It was an honour. I have heard that some American and Aussie trainers want to come over and put their star turns in the stalls alongside him, in this his last racing season. But maybe the Prince and Sir Henry won't want that, as his stud fee would be so much higher if he remained unbeaten.

    His white diamond, how close it is to a heart=shape as well. He is all heart, and that must be his biggest, most powerful muscle, that and phenomenal wind. In the UK we get to see him and Usain Bolt in the same summer, and say raaaaah to her Madge. I see an awful lot of fizz and Pimms being bought...

  2. Late to the party, but . . . yes, didn't Frankel look lovely? Watching him rolling along during the race, before Queally said 'go,' was a treat; he was just galloping, but even the others' gallops were not so effortless. You could see three furlongs in that he would have to fall down to be beaten.

    I don't think, at this point, that the prince will worry about stud fees, Frankel's reputation being so stout. What would be more worrisome is that so far, he has not run the real classic distances. Will be interesting to see if he can handle a mile and a quarter; it appears that a mile and a half will be beyond him. (Personally, that's my only complaint with him, as I'm partial to a horse who can go on. How can he be the greatest ever if he can't, say, win the Arc? Do the things the 'greatests' before him did?) Would rather take him for what he is, which is absolutely unequalled at what he does.

    It's tough that international travel can compromise a horse a bit. If Frankel came over here and got beaten, I'd always wonder if the trip got him, or the vastly different conditions at Santa Anita (home of this year's Breeders Cup), where the temperatures will be higher and the turf course as hard as a parking lot. What would that prove? And I highly doubt anyone will send the best here over to try him on his home ground, LOL. The owners aren't crazy. ;-)

    So sorry to hear about Brindisi Breeze. Tragic.


  3. PS Forgot to add - the Pigeon looks amazing, as usual, and your little Frankel is just a calendar girl.



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