Friday 20 July 2012

In brief

Posted by Tania Kindersley.

Out in the world, there is terrible news, from Syria and Colorado. People are shooting and dying. There are no good adjectives for that. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and there’s nothing much to write. It’s where the bare sentence fails.

So I concentrated very hard on the small things. This is what I do when I am baffled by the world. The Younger Brother is here, which is always a banner occasion, on account of him living six thousand miles east. There was family breakfast. I showed him the mare. He was slightly distracted; I’m not sure he fully appreciated her beauty, but I shall drum it into him before he leaves.

I worked with the horses; I made a pastrami sandwich for lunch; I made a rather desultory stab at my new project. There are days when the writing rhythms won’t come and this was one of them. I bash on, feeling as if I am always leading on the wrong foot.

In the evening, the sky cleared and the fine amber Scottish light spread itself over the mountains, like a balm. Up at Red’s view, the swallows were swooping low over the grass, singing in the sudden warmth. Down in the garden, the Pigeon and I played with a stick, to her intense delight. I inspected the foxgloves, which have gone crazy this year. Last year, they had all disappeared, so I went out foraging, and dug some up and transplanted them to the wild garden. They have seeded themselves, and now look as if they are ready to take over the place. I love them.

I need an old lady early night, and tomorrow there shall be better sentences and proper work. Outside my window, everything is still and filled with clarity. The world feels very far away.



The garden, this evening:

20 July 1

20 July 2

20 July 3

20 July 4

20 July 5

20 July 5-001

20 July 6

20 July 7

Red’s view:

20 July 9

20 July 9-001

20 July 9-002

Myfanwy the Pony:

20 July 10

Red, doing her Minnie the Moocher amble, as she comes to say hello. Dozing pony in background:

20 July 12-001

Pigeon with happy stick face:

20 July 12


20 July 20


  1. Oh I adore foxgloves.
    Can hear the music as I look at Red doing her 'Minnie the Moocher' *BRILLIANT*

  2. The Pigeon's happy stick face is wonderful - a reminder that somewhere there is sanity in the world.


  3. Love the expression 'an old lady early night'. I need one of those too but instead I stayed up late watching 'The Help' on DVD. I am late to this film and must admit I spent most of it feeling prickles of shame about what was done in the US in the 1960's. Quite hard to watch. Anyway that contributed to a late night! I hope you benefitted from the zzzzz's and that you had some lovely lavender facial oil to help you on your way! Lou x

  4. Hi Tania, lovely to find your blog via Lou's. She is right - if only we could all write as you do! I know absolutely nothing about horses, but already I'm quite smitten with Red and Myfanwy.
    Looking forward to learning more.


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