Sunday 16 September 2012


Last night, all was joy. My offer for the lost mare was accepted. I immediately fired off thrilled emails to the barefoot trimmer and the back person and the nutritionist, putting them on full alert. I just kept my fingers crossed for the vet.

Then, this morning, the acceptance was rescinded. It was, in the end, too low. It was all I could afford, and what I thought was about right for a project horse who will need so much time and care and rehabilitation.

I am peculiarly sad. The sensible part of me says what am I doing getting a mare who has clearly had a hard time with one of her old owners, and who has been sold on at least three times. I wanted to get a nice family horse, so the World Traveller and the Nieces could ride, and The Younger Brother, when he comes to stay. The sensible thing is to get something from a known yard, with a known history.

The not sensible part is in deep mourning. She was a sweetheart, and I think she would have loved it here, with the quiet and the view of the mountain and sweet Red to jolly her along. I just hope that she finds someone who will give her the time and care she so needs. I think I have to trust to the universe, although I often find that quite difficult. Terrible Black Beauty scenarios present themselves. But the current owner is a good kind person, and would not let her go to a charlatan.

Ah, well. My plans crash and tumble about my ears. If anyone knows of a gentle Thoroughbred mare in the Aberdeenshire area who would like a good home, let me know. We have a very thrilling plan to put Myfanwy into a herd project in the rolling Deeside woods for a few weeks, to deal with her weight, and Red needs a new friend. And I must take my mind off the dear mare with the sad eyes.


Today’s pictures:

Up at Red’s View they are getting the harvest in. I love the colours:

16 Sept 6

16 Sept 7

16 Sept 8

16 Sept 8-001

16 Sept 9

16 Sept 9-001

16 Sept 9-002

What amazes me about those photographs is how different the colours in each one are, as I faced in different directions, and the clouds and light shifted over my head.

The View itself:

16 Sept 5

16 Sept 13

The glorious girl:

16 Sept 11

16 Sept 12

The other glorious girl:

16 Sept 15

16 Sept 16


  1. Oh dear, I just saw the title of today's post and am feeling bad. I do hope that my message the other day didn't result in this outcome. Although my sensible head is saying that if it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be. But maybe it's a different animal entirely. Sorry if I am being a bit hazy and cryptic - I am participating in North East Open Studios (NEOS) this week and am not used to talking to so many people (any people) in one day. I hope the sad mare finds a loving home.

  2. I am sorry your offer was not accepted. I am sad too and I hope she finds a good home.

  3. When I saw your headline, I was afraid someone had died. So, as sad as it is, I am relieved...(and I trust that the mare will find a loving, caring home.)
    (Sorry to be so sturm und drang about it all!)

    Love love love the photos. The first one is particularly painterly.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Damn. I did so want you to have this mare.


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