Thursday 15 November 2012

Absolutely not a blog

This was going to be a mighty blog. Oh, the marvellous things I had to tell you: the emotional truths, the life lessons, the pearls of wisdom.

Then life happened and there was no damn room for pearls. Am swamped in work and logistics, cooking four different kinds of soup for various members of the family, making crucial arrangements, discussing the things that must be discussed. As always, when days like this happen, I am in awe of the people with the children on top of all this life. Anything more than work and horse and domestic arrangements to deal with, and I develop literal pains in my shoulder and have to neck half a bottle of iron tonic simply to keep going.

At least keeping busy is good for the missing of The Pigeon. I had a terrible moment this morning when I was doing some belated washing and found tiny bits of dog biscuit in the pocket of my jeans. They were the last morsels I had tempted her with when the appetite was going. So that finished me off for about half an hour.

No time for sentiment though, on account of the soup and the logistics and the packing of the car and the arrangements. I am going south first thing, to the Beloved Cousin, and all manner of things must be arranged.

I even missed Sizing Europe in the 2.25 at Clonmel, I was rushing around so much. My kind racing tweeters said he was IMPERIOUS.

So all that is a long way of saying there is absolutely no good blog for you. Just undifferentiated nonsense and some pictures of leaves.


Today’s pictures:

15 Nov 1

15 Nov 2

15 Nov 3

15 Nov 3-001

15 Nov 5

15 Nov 6

15 Nov 7

15 Nov 9

15 Nov 10

15 Nov 12

Had been fretting slightly about leaving the herd, when they are so new in their winter quarters, but this is how I found them first thing. I think they are pretty settled in:

15 Nov 15

Red, with her where’s my breakfast face:

15 Nov 16

And with her faithful companion:

15 Nov 16-001

The amazing Horse Talker is going to look after them whilst I am away. Here she is, treating the smart new fence so they don’t take chunks out of it. Red is not so duchessy that she won’t chew on random bits of wood, when the fancy takes her:

15 Nov 15-001

My Pigeon, from the archive:

15 Nov Pidge 25th Sept

Wondered suddenly if it were not a bit morbid, to keep putting up pictures of a dog who has gone. But the Dear Readers seem to like it, and to me it does not feel sad or mawkish, but fitting. She was so much part of this place, and I don’t see why there should not be her beautiful face here still.


15 Nov 20


  1. Oh Tania...the pictures...the pictures of the leaves and the frost and the herd and the light...exquisite.

    And of course beautiful Pigeon

    Have a lovely time with your beloved cousin.


    1. Dash - what a lovely thing to say; thank you.

    2. It's a pleasure Tania. I popped back to have another gander at these truly beautiful photographs, they have such quality they are like paintings. You really have a knack with that camera of yours, true talent, I think you should speak to your publisher about a book of photographs and words.

  2. Your blog is such a comfort for me right now. I am trying to finish college in Ohio, which is just the worst (no hills, no mountains, no ocean), and I come here and get to dream of the day when I can have a blog, and write books, and have a horse again, and live with my dog and cat, and maybe, just maybe do it in a place as beautiful as Scotland.

    P.S. That is SUCH a lovely picture of Pigeon.

    1. Anon - that is the best thing you could have said. Sometimes I do wonder what I am wandering on about, and then you say something like this and I think, oh yes, there really IS a reason. So glad I can send you some diversion from lovely Scotland all the way to Ohio. I hope that you DO write books and have a horse and all the good things of which you dream.

  3. What wonderful photos they are. It looks very cold though and only November.

  4. Have a lovely time with your beloved cousin. Please keep posting Pigeon. She is so much part of your blog. I hope all good things happen on your trip.

  5. Have a wonderful time+take very good care.
    Incredible photography again, not least darling Pigeon.
    All love from Calderdale where we are gearing up for George's first birthday on Sunday.

  6. It is wonderful to see Myfanwy's personality emerging more in her pictures. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I don't think so. Her little face has gotten so expressive, as if she is now confident in her place not only with Red, but with you too. Lovely to see.


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