Monday 31 December 2012

New Year’s Eve; or in which I remember how to do the Reel of the 51st.

I was going to do a whole, portentous This Was The Year That number. I was going to talk of losing my dog and gaining my mare, of the unexpected love for Mr Stanley, of missing my dad; all boilerplate end of year emotional manipulation, in other words.

But bugger that for a game of soldiers. I’ve just got back from reeling practice and I’ve got to wrangle my hair and put my eyeshadow on. We are actually having a party. We never have parties, and certainly never reeling parties. But tonight we shall be doing the 51st, Aberdonian style. (Look it up; it has the most moving genesis of any Scottish dance.)

I shall not, you will be glad to hear, be wearing a big pouffy dress and a tartan sash. I’m going for a draped, faintly 1942-ish black and white number, and a lot of fire engine red lipstick. And possibly kinky boots.

I hope that, wherever you are, you have a properly happy New Year’s Eve. I hope you drink too much and make rash statements and grandiose gestures and bad jokes. I hope you are merry and blithe. You are a bloody wonderful bunch of Dear Readers, and I could not be without you.


Pictures today are of my precious herd:

31 Dec 1

31 Dec 2

31 Dec 3

31 Dec 5

31 Dec 6

31 Dec 7

31 Dec 8

31 Dec 10

31 Dec 11

Happy New Year.


  1. Red lipstick and kinky boots... the best. Thank you, Tania, for all that you have given to the Dear Readers in 2012, and for the joy you bring us. May you continue in 2013 with your life of fullness and abundance, and in your generosity in sharing it.

  2. Happy New Year Tania, Stanley,your lovely horses and family. Love and best wishes to you all.

  3. Yes, kinky boots are essential, especially if the reels go rowdy. Have a delightful evening, bring in the new year well.

  4. Happiest of Happy New Years to you, Tania.
    Thank you for your wisdom, your honesty and the way your writing moves and delights me.
    Thank you for bringing all these amazing creatures into my life.
    Lang may yer lum reek!

  5. I love your little pony. I love the swirl of white on Stanley's chest. My youngest daughter had an Italian greyhound with a swirl like that; we used to call him Chesty Chesterson. Happy Hogmanay from the US.

  6. Its the first morning here and a working day in Sri Lanka. It is considered auspicious to go to work today!!!! All Sri Lankan offices provide a traditional breakfast as well and it starts the New Year well.
    Wishing you all the very very best for the New Year and thank you once again for real, uplifting posts and such gorgeous photos. Love the one of Stanley with one ear cocked up!

  7. Eeee! Reel of the 51st?? I am JEALOUS! I haven't done that for YEARS - not since university and OTC balls. Isn't it FUN? It's one of my favourites - one of the ones that I could dance every weekend.

    What is the Aberdonian version?

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