Wednesday 30 January 2013


It is my birthday. I am forty-six years old. It’s a bit of a neither flesh, fowl, nor good red herring sort of age, but it will do.

The day raced away from me like a brumby on sunlit plain. It is 6.45pm and only now have I sat down to write this.

It was a day of great loveliness. There were cards. There was an enchanting birthday breakfast. There were flowers. There were telephone calls. Stanley the Dog staged a little parade of adorableness. There were gales, so the horses put on a good old bronco show for me, wild as the wind itself. There were really good presents.

I even did some proper work. I went to one very serious meeting, driving up the valley with my notebook and my business face on, and matters of import were discussed and then an unexpected celebratory drink was produced. There was no great birthday plan, and I prefer it that way (I find birthday plans slightly embarrassing), so this ad hoc celebration was exactly the very thing.

The internet shimmered with sweetness and kindness. Facebook and Twitter hummed with birthday messages. There is something very touching about people one may never meet stopping to remember that this is the day of one’s birth.

And now there is just time for a couple of pictures, of the Best Beloveds -

The running herd:

30 Jan 1

Dozing pony:

30 Jan 2

Red the Mare, at her most demure:

30 Jan 3

Stanley the Dog, with his serious handsome face on:

30 Jan 10

And the Dear Departeds:


27 May 13

And my hill:

30 Jan 20


  1. Happy Birthday!!! All is right with the world, judging by your pictures. The herd and the hill look well. Enjoy your evening, whatever birthday treats it brings! Lou x

  2. Happy, happy day. From 53, 46 sounds pretty good.

  3. Happy Birthday Tania!
    And thank you for your lovely blog!
    I love dogs and Mr. Stanley reminds me of my very first best friend.
    I know absolutely nothing about horses, but you're teaching me to love them to.

    /Wiktoria in Sweden

  4. Happy, happy birthday Tania. Thank you for sharing parts of your life and world with us. I hope you have a great year ahead, full of love and happiness. Best, Kate

  5. I married my darling (second, in date order only) husband on my 46th birthday, such a momentous day I pretty much forgot to note the passing of yet another year. That was almost ten years ago. I shall tell you what 56 feels like when I get there. Meanwhile, many happy returns, Tania!

  6. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday x

  7. Happy Birthday. Love handsome Stanley but oh, the dear departeds. They were very special. My dog is laid next to me on the sofa (all your fault!)

  8. Happy Birthday, Tania! Your day sounds lovely. 46 sounds a good age to me (48).

  9. Happy Birthday, dear Tania! Have a wonderful day with your herd, hill and Stanley. Love from a much younger (by a few months) friend. :) xxx

  10. A very happy birthday! I am in my mid-thirties but I have been told by people who ought to know that the forties is when things really start to get good. I choose to believe them. I hope that yours get better and better.

  11. Happy Birthday, wishing you many blessings.. This is going to be a good year, I feel it in my bones. Thank you for the cheer you bring. Lainey aka @SirenCall

  12. Happy birthday (albeit belated)! As a 46 going on 47, I can only say that my experience is that it feels much the same as before :)

    Best scruffles to Stanley and the Herd.

  13. Happy Birthday - the animals scrub up well, don't they?!

  14. Wonderful photo of the herd running. And your brumby metaphor was perfect. If I hadn't watched the Man from Snowy River movies, I probably wouldn't know what that was.

    Glad you enjoyed your day.

  15. A very happy birthday to you.

  16. Happy Birthday! At 46, I remember feeling still so unsure of everything. At 59, life finally appears settled. Like you know what's important to you. Turns out it's trees and love, just as you said (when you were still a mere 45).

  17. Happy Birthday! As a forty four year old myself, I appreciate the beauty of our animals - with us and dearly departed. Love Stanley's face!

  18. Anonymous birthday greetings from the verdant tropics. May you live to write and publish (and photograph pretty snow) for ages yet and may your words live even longer.

  19. Happy Birthday and have a wonderful year ahead. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your life with us.


  20. Happy belated birthday - I hope it was just lovely. I do still read but am finding commenting a bit tricky so sorry for long absence (if noted) you are lovely so I hope the day was too. x

  21. Hey! Now we can be 46 together! EXCELLENT! When do I get to live in Scotland, though? 8-)


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