Wednesday 23 January 2013

Snow crazy. Or, I am grumpy as hell.

I’ve been banging on a bit about love, lately. Oh, look, here is the light, here is the beating human heart, here is the good stuff. Hello sky, hello flowers, hello trees. The whole dippy nine yards.

Of course, it is all true. The Horse Talker told me this morning that her nine-year-old boy actually said to her the other day: ‘Mum, all you need is love.’ I don’t think he knew he was quoting The Beatles. He was having an out of the mouths of babes moment of pure wisdom.

It damn well is true. Love and trees; love and trees.

But today, I must admit, I’m not feeling it. I am grumpy and cranky and shivery and cross. I’m fed up with the stupid snow. Oh, I know it looks ravishing. I know that the branches of the trees look as if they are delicate ice sculptures, and there is the glorious sight of Stanley the Dog leaping through the whiteness, and the world feels as still as if someone stopped it.

I know that it provides me with an excess of delightful photo opportunities. I get a great kick of putting up scenic snaps on my Facebook page, and watching when people hit the Like button. It’s a tiny daily fillip. There is also the slight drama to it all, as we count the inches and discuss the crashing temperatures.

But oh, oh, oh after four days of the nonsense I am as grumbly as Victor Meldrew. I’m like that old man who yells Get off my lawn. I’m not accessing my inner love and trees, but tapped straight into my inner curmudgeon, who just WANTS IT TO STOP.

I know I’m always on about counting my blessings. Even now, as I type this, I think of the fortune of having a warm house and fingers to type. In my head, where the strict rationalist and the spit spot no nonsense voices reside, I am not allowed to complain. Not when I have All This. I’m not having to drive to the office through weather-clogged roads, or be out in sub-zero fixing power lines. I just have to give the horses their hay and write a bit of book and make some chicken soup.

Still: GRUMPY GRUMPY GRUMPY. Sorry, can’t help it, can’t fake it, can’t put a good face on it.

The one slight bright spot is that the jumps are back after a week away, and there is actual green turf at Ayr, and I have a stupidly big punt on a short-priced favourite, which I rarely do. The kind fella obliges, and at least I have a little shout and win some cash. But then I grow mournful again, because there, on the screen in front of me is green turf. I have sudden, acute verdant envy. I want to see grass again.

Come along, says the adult voice. It’s just a bit of weather. Besides, white is a lovely colour.

Bugger that, says the child voice. And then it throws all its toys out of its pram.


Today’s sodding pictures:

No prizes for guessing what they are of.

23 Jan 1

23 Jan 2

23 Jan 2-001

23 Jan 4

23 Jan 4-001

23 Jan 5

23 Jan 6

Bored yet? HA HA HA; don’t care. I’m going to put you through yet more idiot snow:

23 Jan 7

23 Jan 8

23 Jan 9

23 Jan 10

23 Jan 11

23 Jan 12

23 Jan 14

And yet buggery MORE:

23 Jan 15

23 Jan 16

23 Jan 17

Paddock this morning:

23 Jan 18

23 Jan 19

Must admit, even though I am in a filthy temper, these little breakfast faces did make me smile. Myfanwy is hiding behind Red. You can just see her little ears:

23 Jan 20

Snow dog. Yada, yada, yada:

23 Jan 25

23 Jan 27

You can just see the hill:

23 Jan 30

I know I showed you a version of this yesterday, and I know it’s a bit blurry, but it is the one thing that does break through the grumpiness. It’s the look on Red’s face:

23 Jan 33

Sorry about venting. Shall be all bluebells and butterflies again tomorrow.



  1. To borrow your phrase, it is all buggery bollocks down here too and even thought there was a glimpse of green it's gone and started snowing again.
    I couldn't be more binned off.

    1. Lucille - YES! YES! Buggery bollocks a go-go. :)

  2. As my daughter would say: 'lollage'. Can I friend you on facebook? It sounds like you have such fun there. Lou x P.S. I LOVE the snow pictures; long may they last.

    1. Oh Lou, would love to have you as Facebook friend. Lollage most brilliant new word.

  3. Oh how much I enjoy your blog...but this is the best!!! You blog cheers me up and brings a smile to my face every day!! x

  4. There can never be enough snow. Fact.

    Signed: A child of the sodding verdant tropics.

  5. The grass seems greener (or in this case the snow seems whiter) on the other side doesn't it? Having moved recently to Nigeria from Norway (yes, they are quite different!) I love looking at your pictures of snow, (and Stanley, and the horses).

  6. stunning photos! Hope you're smiling now :)

  7. Gorgeous photos, thank you! Highlights - the bridge, the tremendous fence and handsome Stanley. And the beech leaves. I hate to say this, but the child voice (and its body) would surely be out building a snowman, sledging and making igloos? Or even ski-ing, perhaps? Your neck of the woods looks perfect for cross-country ski-ing, which is rather a lovely rhythmical way of gliding across, rather than trudging through, the acres of annoying white stuff that's lying around at the moment. Just wait till it's all grey slush - now that IS depressing! If I were you, I'd be throwing a snowball at me by now! *ducks*

  8. Vent away! What are friends for if not to let you vent every once in a while. Venting is healthy for the soul. Namaste!
    p.s. the reference to Voictor Meldrew gave me my chuckle for they day.

  9. Lovely photos of trees - how delicate they look in the snow. I'm fed up with the cold as well, though here in the south it's not as nearly as snowy as in Scotland. Two cats have been going round outside today in the snow (not strays), looking rather blase
    (e acute). I just stagger off to the local shops - though thank goodness it's easy for us to go hunting, in comparison with people long ago. But difficult for people who have power cuts, as in Wales: not just no heating or evening light, but no radio or coffees!! Glad the menagerie is faring well.

  10. DEAR Readers - such lovely comments. Very cheering; thank you.

  11. I laughed all the way through your post thinking you must be distantly related somehow to my husband, who like snow even less than you, even as he concedes the beauty. Unfortunately for him we live in a lake effect snow area, so he must endure it for much longer than 4 days. Usually more like 4 months. Have just had 3 days of continuous snow. Some spots are over my knee. Granted that's not that high as I am pretty short but still. We have my daughter's dog here at the moment and the snow is up to his shoulders poor thing. Presents logistical problems.

    Lovely photos today... ALL of them.

  12. Your photos always make everything look so marvelous! That being said spring is coming! Just keep telling yourself that!

  13. But the photos are really very beautiful, and just think I am in searing heat, blinding sun, disgustingly green trees with burnt out bits as well (courtesy of too much sunlight)and then I look at your photographs and at least there is a feeling of coolness!!!

  14. I'm glad you're getting your grumpy on... it's winding me up for this weekend, when we are slated to get a heap of the white stuff, too. For me, it's the looming cost of having someone come and snowblow and plow my loooooooong driveway and parking area so that tenants and we can get out to work. I will be grumping right along with you if the weathermen are right for once. Still, as always, great pics! 8-)


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